Arkansas Small Band Association (ASBA)

Arkansas Small Band Association Officers
Arkansas Small Band Association Officers
President - Blake Henley, Mountain View
Vice-President - Aaron Decker, Riverview (Searcy)
Treasurer - Bill Mitchell, Pangburn
Secretary - Vacant
Member-at-Large - Justin Berg, Perryville
Executive Secretary - Trey Reely, Searcy, AR (retired)

Our 2025 ASBA All-Star Honor Band Clinician- Susan Ford

We will be premiering a piece written by Drew Morris just for the 2025 All-Star Honor Band!
2024 Honor Band Scholarship Winners
Christopher Norris
Academic Charter HS
Mallory Baxter
Des Arc HS
ASBA Scholarship Program
ASBA Scholarship Program
Dear Arkansas Band Director:
If you have a student who is going to college and planning on participating in band, the Arkansas Small Band Association awards scholarships to Arkansas seniors from ASBA member high schools. The winners will be selected by a panel of ASBA members with the most emphasis being placed on the applicant’s musical achievements, leadership in their school band, and written essay. They do NOT have to major in music to be awarded this scholarship.
The link below will allow you to download an application for the scholarship. If you have more than one applicant, please feel free to print more copies of the form.
Completed applications should be returned to the address on the application form and postmarked no later than March 27. Please remind applicants to include a copy of their high school transcript and a letter of recommendation from you along with the other required information.
Also encourage your students to fill out this application neatly and completely. The “brief composition” will receive much consideration.
Thank you very much for helping us provide this opportunity to your students!!
Blake Henley
President, Arkansas Small Band Association

Dates for ASBA
ASBA Member Registration Deadlines:
September 30 - $50
Extended Deadline - October 30 - $60
1. Register with ASBOA
In order for your students to audition for ASBA Honor Band, your band must be registered with ASBOA (CLICK HERE).
2. Register with ASBA
Download the registration file, then file out, print and mail to ASBA Executive Secretary.
The ASBA registration form is HERE.
3. Request a check
Make sure it gets delivered to the address on the ASBA application
Mail your check AND APPLICATION to the ASBA Executive Secretary.
Please refer all questions regarding registration to Trey Reely.
Phone: (870) 476-4646 or
E-mail reelytrey@gmail.com
January 30,2025
Deadline to register students
for auditions.
Audition Information
Please enter student names into
the Google Spreadsheet.
Click for Audition Registration Form.
Audition cuts for the 2024 All-Star Band auditions:
February 11, 2025
ASBA Honor band auditions - Riverview High School, Searcy.
The inclement weather date:
February 13, 2025.
Scholarship Application Postmarked by March 27, 2025
Scholarship Applications Due
April 4,2025-
April 5,2025
All-Star Clinic
Location: Harding University, Searcy
ABA Convention 2024
July 31,2024-August 3, 2024
ASBA Booth at Arkansas Bandmasters Convention